
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Steps" - My Word of the Year!

I finally chose my word of the year:


Years ago there was a movie "What about Bob". A man (Bob) paralyzed by his fears and seeking psychiatric help shows up at Leo's (the Dr.) door for help. The movie was a comedy and very funny. The Dr. hands Bob a book called "baby steps" to read because he is leaving on vacation and won't be able to see him till he returns. The movie takes many funny turns and it makes me laugh every time. I encourage you to watch it if you haven't.

So for years whenever I am thinking about some major thing I need to work on in my life I get overwhelmed. I have come to tell myself "Baby Steps" and it seems to make me break down the task into manageable bites.

I have had many changes this last year and have had some difficulty in moving forward. My original word was going to be forward, but I'm having trouble doing that and thought how do I do it? Well Baby Steps came to mind. So My word this year is "Steps". A move, new house purchase, new marriage, job change, planning a baby, a child off to college (and leaving home-boo hoo)have all been major changes. Good things but they require many adjustments. I love excitement but more the "roller-coaster" or "day trip" kind. Not the "major life change" kind. To work on things in this new life I am going to take STEPS not leaps. It's okay to take it in bits right? Instead of decorating the WHOLE house, I am painting one room at a time etc.

If you haven't picked a word for your year please think about it. It's much easier than a list of resolutions. 

Until next time Dear Reader,

Chatty Cathy


  1. All the time! Thanks for visiting and joining! Look forward to getting to know you!

  2. Great choice for your word of the year! I hope you have many baby steps in the right direction in 2012!

    I have posted about my word of the year on my blog, if you wish to read about it! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting! I'll be sure to pop over to your blog and read about your word as well. Have a great day and thanks for the support.

  3. Love your word!-I am your newest follower from Layla's party-Stop by for a visit!
